Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wanna go lighter, make sure your hair is ready

Lots of people decide that they want to change their hair color, some more often than others. When you decide to make a change like this it is important to plan it out properly. If you want to change to a darker color than you already have, then a semi permanent color will be sufficient enough in most cases. This way will be more conditioning and less stress to your hair.

Now lets talk about going lighter, whether it be highlights, or a full color, there are some preliminaries that you have to consider.

1. Do you have any chemicals or colors in your hair? This is important because you dont want to lighten your hair right after a relaxer, perm, or straightener. That will most likely overprocess your hair and it wont be pretty. Also if you have had a “rinse”, semipermanent color or demipermanent color (see my blog about color classifications) done you will have to consider the color when lifting or lightening your hair. For example, if you had a black semi permanent color (depending on the length of your hair, up to about 6 months ago) it will have an effect on your color results depending on the base color of the black that was used, you may end up with green hair if your looking for blonde. If you had red it may result in and brassy orange color if your looking for blonde.This happens because that is another contributing color to your own that must be considered in the formula for the color desired.

2. Is your hair healthy enough to be lifted/ lightened? This is very important, because if you get relaxers on the regular basis, use permanent color, and or use excessive heat or daily flat ironing, you may have to go through some post lightening treatments to make sure that your hair is strong enough to handle the lighter color with out it looking dry and over processed. If you are already having trouble with breakage and dry brittle hair, you may need a series of treatments before you lighten your hair, so that you can keep your hair.


If you go to a professional that doesn’t consider these things, find another one that knows what he/she is doing. Inform them on your chemical history, and your regular routine so that they can consider all factors before you receive the service.

I can’t stress enough how important it is to leave all chemical services to professionals, no matter what you see on television, in store do it your self color, etc. (thats all marketing). I have seen too many clients come in embarrassed because they have multi colored or odd color hair because they wanted to save money and do it them selves just because the box said it will give them what they want, and they end up paying more than they would have in the first place, and their hair is not going to be as healthy because they put crap in it.

All in all, make sure you and your hair are ready for a lighter color.

Your online hair care professional

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